Saturday, June 29, 2019

What are The Causes Of Gynecomastia? Get All The Information You Need

 Do you want to know what are the causes of gynecomastia? If you are interested to know more about this embarrassing physical condition, go through this post carefully.

Gynecomastia, better known as “man boobs” or male breasts, is a physical and medical condition associated with breast enlargement in men. 

One of the most common causes of gynecomastia is a disorder of the endocrine system. The risk of developing a breast size increases with age. Those who suffer from such a condition are often become a butt of ridicule, shame and mockery, probably among their friends. 

Men with enlarged breasts usually go into depression because most of them are teenagers. Research has found that nearly 1/3 of the male population worldwide at any age in their lives suffers from gynecomastia.

 Speaking of male breasts in puberty, they often occur because of puberty and this is common. Therefore, under such conditions, it is best to wait and see rather than act quickly. According to official statistics, 36% of teenagers suffer from this disease, while 57% of adults suffer from it. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that about 2-3 million cases of gynecomastia occur every year.

If you want to get rid of gynecomastia, try Gynexin to get rid of man boobs naturally!

What is gynecomastia in men?

Before we go into the details of gynecomastia, let us first get more information about augmentation of the male breast. Most of us have a common misconception that all types of breast augmentation in men are due to the growth of breast tissue or gynecomastia. But let me tell you honestly that this is the biggest myth.

 When one speaks of gynecomastia, it is caused by the deposition of additional breast tissue around the areola (in simple words, nipples). For this reason, there is an enlarged breast image. However, it is not necessary that all types of breast enlargement are due to the deposition of additional breast tissue.

One of the other common factors in male breast enlargement is excessive fat deposition in the breast. Breast fat often mimics the actual appearance of gynecomastia. This type of breast enhancement is often dubbed pseudogynecomastia. Meanwhile, if you have known that you have gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia, there are undoubtedly some concrete ways that can help you get rid of them quickly.

 What are male breasts, are they considered a hidden danger?

Teenagers and adults with gynecomastia often hesitate to share their pain with family and friends for many reasons. Often they are embarrassed to say that they are becoming a laughing stock.

 So if one of your loved ones suffers from a male breast enlargement, please try to understand the extreme pressure they are under and give them all the sympathy they need. This sympathy is especially important for young people who suffer from gynecomastia.

 What types of male tits are there?

Well, here it is important to tell you that there are some similar diseases, with similar symptoms as in gynecomastia. However, they are by no means identical. They are:

 Types of gynecomastia

Mixed Gynecomastia - Mixed gynecomastia is a condition in which a person experiences an enlargement of breast tissue at a certain age, but it occurs due to the combined effect of excess fat and mammary gland tissue. Obesity in men is the main cause of mixed gynecomastia due to excessive fat deposition in the body.

Pubertal Gynecomastia - Many teenagers around the world are incredibly concerned about the rapid growth of their breast tissue. For these teenagers I don't mean to panic as it's a natural process and almost 40% of teenagers at this time suffer from a similar condition known as puberty. This is only referred to as pubertal gynecomastia. According to one study, 75% of adolescent gynecomastia cases were resolved in two years, naturally without any treatment.

 Pseudogynecomastia - Pseudogynecomastia is popularly known as false or fake gynecomastia. In this condition, the size of the breasts is increased by the accumulation of fat. Although it looks similar to natural gynecomastia, it differs from gynecomastia because the breast tissue grows abnormally during gynecomastia.

What are the causes of gynecomastia?

Several drugs that can cause moobs are anti-androgens, AIDS drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, ulcer drugs, anabolic and androgenic steroids, anti-anxiety drugs, cancer treatment, stomach motility drugs, heart medications, and antibiotics.

Alcohol and street drugs such as amphetamines, heroin, marijuana, and methadone.

Health conditions that can cause gynecomastia include hypogonadism, hyperthyroidism, tumors, aging, liver failure, kidney failure, malnutrition, and hunger.

Herbal products such as vegetable oils used in soaps, lotions and shampoos can also cause boils in humans.

What are the treatment options for gynecomastia?

Now you can see for yourself what kind of gynecomastia you are suffering from. If it is undoubtedly a natural gynecomastia and not a pseudogynecomastia, the next step should be to find the best treatments available. Well, make sure that by "treatment options" I mean  all permanent and temporary options.

 Elimination of gynecomastia through movement

gynecomastia exercise

When we talk about exercises, the first thing that comes to mind is muscle building. Just as there are special exercises for building muscle, there are also individual exercises for losing male breasts. If you decide to go to the gym, you should definitely consult a professional trainer. They will guide you with specific exercises to get rid of your breasts.

 Elimination of gynecomastia through diet

Gynecomastia diet

 Considering the fact that breasts are the formation of fat, you probably need to do a lot to reduce your fat intake. If you eat a lot of fatty foods, it is important that you maintain a low-fat diet. This will help your body burn excess fat. If you are already using other gynecomastia treatments such as pills or creams, a healthy low-fat diet is likely to speed up your transformation.

 Eliminate male breasts with surgery

Gynecomastia surgery

 Surgery is the last option for every state of health, and the same applies to gynecomastia. Gynecomastia surgery is the most popular treatment option to get rid of male breasts, but it costs a lot of money. It is the most suitable and personalized treatment option. The surgical process for gynecomastia includes laser-assisted liposuction, mastectomy, laser lipolysis without liposuction and liposuction-assisted mastectomy.

 Reduce the man's breast with cream

Gynecomastia Cream

 Men with gynecomastia usually opt for topical treatment before choosing other options. This is a logical process because creams and gels are very easy to handle, painless and also cheaper than other options. One of the best rated gynecomastia creams is Gynexol, you should check the examination.

 Removing gynecomastia with pills

gynecomastia pills

 You may all know that several pills are designed to increase breast size in women. Similarly, some medicines and dietary supplements are being developed to reduce breast size in men. Gynecomastia pills are the most popular solution on the market. This is due to the complete results of these pills, which are better than any other method.

 Hide the gynecomastia with compression sleeves

Gynecomastia Shirts

 If you want immediate results at a lower price than breast binding, gynecomastia shirts are for you. These gynecomastia vests are also commonly referred to as male bras, compression bras or compression vests. The advantages of these shirts are their comfort and affordability. But let me tell you that this is not a permanent solution. 

Gynecomastia shirts compress your breast size to normal size while you wear them, but as soon as you remove them, your breast size will be brought to the previous level.

 What is the best gynecomastia treatment option available? - Pills or surgeries

Most people consider gynecomastia surgery and pills as two comparable treatment options, but in fact they are both incredibly different and unique. But both are considered the best ways to get rid of male breasts.

 If one considers surgery as an option, it is an extremely expensive choice. The time after surgery is crucial and a painful and stressful phase, and it will take a long time for you to recover. Although the results are satisfactory, if you do not have enough money, you will need financial support.

 Speaking of gynecomastia pills, it is a cheaper option than surgery. You do not have to go through any painful surgical process and any recovery period. The results are also better than with other treatment methods.

 What medications are available: Gynecomastia medications

Similar to prescription weight loss medications, there are also prescription gynecomastia pills. Most people who suffer from male breasts think that prescription pills are the best way to get results, but waiting is not always the case.

 In fact, there are herbal pills that are more effective than prescription pills. Herbal pills are more reliable because they have little or no side effects. Because our body is much more sensitive to herbal ingredients than to artificial components.

 Causes of gynecomastia

Looking for more information about gynecomastia?

Hopefully, you have got some idea about the causes of gynecomastia and how to deal with it. We would like to thank you for volunteering to read this article. More information about the causes of gynecomastia, treatment options and the best supplements to eliminate this condition can be found on our homepage.


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