Friday, May 3, 2019

How To Deal With Unilateral Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia, a disease in which a man has exceptionally large breasts, is really common nowadays.

In most cases, the person has bilateral gynecomastia in which both breasts are enlarged.

However, there is another similar but slightly different disease: unilateral gynecomastia.

Dealing with unilateral gynecomastia

The main difference between bilateral and unilateral gynecomastia is obviously symmetry.  Men with bilateral gynecomastia have to cope with the growth and enlargement of both breasts.

In men with unilateral gynecomastia, however, only one breast is significantly larger than the other.

The other breast appears normal in shape and size.  This disease can also be called asymmetric gynecomastia.

Unilateral or asymmetric gynecomastia can also be used to describe the growth of both breasts, but to different degrees.

In other words, both breasts are larger than normal, although one breast is significantly larger than the other.  Depending on the amount of breast tissue present, there may also be differences between the nipples and the skin around them.

Contrary to what some may think, unilateral gynecomastia is not a rare disease.  There are many cases of asymmetric breasts in men with gynecomastia.

The case of an extreme difference between the breasts, however, is not so common.

If the difference between the two breasts is really obvious, it can affect the person not only physically but also emotionally.  He may develop anxiety, depression and low self-esteem due to his condition.  As a result, he would also have difficulty meeting friends and building intimate relationships with the opposite sex.

This can lead to unilateral gynecomastia.

In general, gynecomastia can be caused by several factors.  First, there is a hormonal imbalance, a condition in which the male body does not produce enough testosterone or the male hormone.

On the other hand, there is a high proportion of estrogen or female hormone, which leads to breast growth and development.

Other natural causes of gynecomastia are obesity, puberty and aging.  When a man has too much fat in his body, he produces more estrogen, which leads to unusual breast growth.

Breasts of fat men

Meanwhile, when a boy is in puberty, his hormone levels rise and cause breast growth.  This usually happens at the age of about 14, and breast growth can be bilateral or unilateral.

In most cases, however, the condition disappears and the breasts naturally shrink to their normal size.

In addition, their bodies become more susceptible to hormonal imbalances as they age, leading to hypertrophy of one or both breasts.

As with unilateral gynecomastia, the condition of the male breasts on one side can be attributed to several natural factors.

The person may suffer from scoliosis, a condition in which the spine is curved.  His posture may also be the perpetrator, especially if he has one shoulder slightly lower than the other.  His chest can also be asymmetrical, which means that the pectoral muscles on each side are different.

One pectoral muscle can be much larger than the other, while the other has not developed.  Abnormal development of the breast bone can also lead to one-sided breast growth.

In addition to the natural causes, bilateral and unilateral gynecomastia can also be caused by excessive alcohol consumption, steroids or certain prescription drugs.  Excessive alcohol consumption can damage the liver and make hormone metabolism more difficult for the body.

In the meantime, when taken in the body, steroids can become estrogens, leading to breast growth and development.

In addition, some prescription drugs, including amphetamines, antidepressants, antibiotics, ulcers and blood pressure medications, can also cause gynecomastia.

What are the symptoms of this disease?

As already mentioned, the most obvious sign of unilateral gynecomastia is the growth or enlargement of a single breast.

In most cases, however, both breasts have the extra tissue, although one breast has more tissue than the other.

In any case, both breasts should be carefully examined to see if each requires treatment.  This is particularly important in gynecomastia surgery because the doctor must decide whether to operate on one or both breasts.

In some cases, only one breast was reduced, but it turned out that the other breast also needed to be treated.

Each case of unilateral gynecomastia is different because each person has their own medical history and physical characteristics.

If you are not sure how to manage your situation, it is best to consult a doctor specializing in gynecomastia.  Only a certified doctor can help you determine the real causes and best treatments for your case.

How to detect unilateral gynecomastia: treatment options

There are few therapeutic options for unilateral gynecomastia.  The first option is surgery, while the other options include pills, creams and the use of compression garments.

Of course, the choice to undergo surgery or other treatment depends on the individual case and the person's preference.


Some people may think it is easier to get treatment for unilateral gynecomastia than for bilateral gynecomastia.  However, they could not be worse, as both cases are not so easy to handle.

During surgery, both types require liposuction to remove breast tissue, while ablation is used to remove deeper tissue.  Although surgery can help make the breasts as large as possible, it is not always easy to achieve perfect symmetry.

The cost of surgical reduction of one breast is also the same as the cost of surgery of both breasts.

Among all the options, breast reduction surgery offers a permanent result.

However, like any other type of surgery, there are risks.

There is a risk of excessive bleeding during and after the operation.  The person will also suffer from scars and possible infection after the operation.

In other words, men who want to undergo surgery should think carefully and consider the risks before performing the procedure.


Unilateral gynecomastia is in most cases a form of gynecomastia caused by hormonal imbalance, so the same pills recommended for bilateral gynecomastia can be used.

I have already covered the use of pills in other articles that you can read about them in this blog.


Like pills, creams can be used as in bilateral gynecomastia. To learn more about this subject, read this article on creams for gynecomastia.

Compression garments

A person with unilateral gynecomastia may also wear compression clothing.  Also known as gynecomastia clothing, compression garments include coveralls, shirts and vests designed to hide men's breasts.

They are usually worn under normal clothing, just as women wear bras and belts to change their silhouette.

Compression garments are available in different fabrics, sizes, forces and compression options - but they are all designed to cover men's breasts.  They can be worn daily under normal shirts, office suits and other clothing.

The only disadvantage of compression garments is that they can only provide a temporary solution for unilateral gynecomastia.

However, compression garments remain one of the options for those who do not want to have surgery.  They can leave without worrying about their condition.

Teenage boys with breasts do not have to deal with bullying or teasing, while young men are not afraid to make contacts or appointments.  They can face the world with more confidence while eliminating the fear and horror often associated with gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia outfit

Before buying compression clothing, however, you should consider quality, as some shirts offer more elasticity than others.

Also consider the size of the compression sleeve; make sure it fits your body and is not too loose or tight.  Choose a fabric that can keep your body dry rather than materials that tend to absorb sweat.

After purchasing a compression sleeve, make sure you maintain it properly to increase its elasticity and quality.

If possible, wash the shirt manually with a mild detergent and cold water before putting it away to dry.  If you prefer the washing machine, use a mild detergent and put it in a mild cycle before spreading it out to dry.

Do not soak the compression sleeve in hot water as this will affect its elasticity.  By washing, cleaning and carefully handling your compression sleeve, you should be able to use it for a very long time.

Handling one-sided gyno

If you are dealing with unilateral gynecomastia, consider the cause of the problem before deciding on treatment.

Are you dealing with a natural cause, such as hormonal imbalance, puberty or aging?  Or is your condition caused by other causes such as alcohol consumption, steroids and prescription drugs?

Once you have identified the cause of your problem, think about your treatment options.

You can choose an operation that is permanent, but expensive and risky.

On the other hand, you can try alternative treatments such as gynaecological pills and creams. You can also wear compression garments, which are temporary but cheaper.

Remember that you have a choice based on your personal needs and preferences.

And you should also remember that there is a solution to every problem.  You can easily overcome one-sided gynecomastia if you are really determined.

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